Hi everyone,
Here are some pictures of the rifle shooting event from January. Thank you to everyone that took part. We had a good turn out of around 70 Scouts, Leaders, helpers and parents. I would personally like to thank you all for ensuring that the relevant forms and payment were completed, thus ensuring that the competition ran relatively smoothly. The staff at Aldersley also commented on the exceptional good behaviour of our Scouts.
Please find below the top 3 results of the competition. The scoring was carried out by members of the NSRA to whom we are also very grateful.
- 1st place 7th
- 2nd place 17th C
- 3rd place 17th A
- 1st place Finlay Smith (4th)
- 2nd place Abbie Lyndon (7th)
- 3rd place Ewan Thomas (17th C)
So, well done to the 7th, who also took home the ‘Spook’ shield.
Also, well done to the top 3 individual high scorers.
Remember, the prizes were awarded by the manager of the England shooting team!
Please find below the names of the individuals who can represent the District in the County competition (standing only) on Saturday 28th April 2018 at Aldersley:
Team A: 1st place – Sam Woodcock (5th)
2nd place – Luke Seymour (11th)
3rd place – Tom Brinkley (16th A)
4th place – Dawn Peters (6th)
Team B: 5th place – Roan Donnelly (8th)
6th place – James Newbold (5th)
7th place – Reinart Jensema (5th)
8th place – Matthew Nicholls (16th A)
Reserves: 9th place – Patryk Zounkiew (5th)
10th place – William Casey (16th B)
If there are any issues regarding availability of the above then please let Brian & myself know asap. Ideally we also need a Leader from 5th and 16th to manage the County teams so please let me know your availability. Once again, many thanks for giving up your time to help give our young people a chance to develop another new skill.