
We were absolutely blown away by the number of you who took part in Northuberland Scouts’ Camp at Home on the 30th April. Over 95,000 people around the world took part, and we had over 80 Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Leaders from just our group! Well done everyone! We will be buying each person who took part from the group a commemorative badge (if you’d like more visit campathome.org.uk ) If you took part but haven’t told us yet, please do soon! Here’s some of the photos we have been sent:

St George’s Day

This year, whilst face-to-face Scouting is suspended, all members were encouraged to take part in the Clap for our Carers at 8pm on Thursday 23rd April wearing their uniform, to mark St George’s Day and to show that Scouting has not stopped! Here are some photos we were sent in.